I am honing my storytelling craft after thirty years as an emergency physician, mother, and observer of the human condition. I will be creating new entries and pulling in some of my published works. Thanks for coming along.


After Emergency Medicine…

#15 Reading a Classic
Dr. Joan Naidorf Dr. Joan Naidorf

#15 Reading a Classic

Baby Lia had seizures. Lia’s physicians could not release the culture and biases of Western medicine and Lia’s parents could not or would not compromise the belief system of the Hmong people. Anne Fadiman tells the story of truly good-hearted people from all sides who did everything they could to save Lia in The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down.

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#14 No Difficult Convos
Dr. Joan Naidorf Dr. Joan Naidorf

#14 No Difficult Convos

Difficult conversations with patients and families are one of the most challenging parts of our jobs. Sometimes the news is bad or sometimes we cannot give them the test, or med, or work excuse that they request. Docs, nurses, PA’s and NPs can all get better at this so there are #nodifficultconvos

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#13 God is Dope
Dr. Joan Naidorf Dr. Joan Naidorf

#13 God is Dope

You never what you can learn while walking at the beach. We got a chance to see this apparel and learn the meaning behind it. What an excellent morning lesson.

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#12 Backstory on my Book
Dr. Joan Naidorf Dr. Joan Naidorf

#12 Backstory on my Book

When you get a new puppy, you start writing your book at the kitchen table. How many of you have a book idea inside that needs nurturing and encouragement to come out? Someone needs the message you have to send. I have a message for my fellow physicians and healthcare professionals. I can’t wait for you to read it!

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